Preußische Ostasienexpedition Overview - information obtained mostly from Wikipedia , some missing links added. Germany was still divided into more than 30 countries in the 1850s when Prussia decided to become the leader in Germany and thought that an expedition to East Asia would help obtaining that leadership. It commissioned therefore an expedition to China, Japan and Siam to obtain treaties of commerce. The expedition started in Hamburg with stops in England, Canary Islands, Singapore, China, Japan and Siam. This expedition is detailed in a number of official and unofficial reports (language of pdf reports is German). ------------- Die preußische Expedition nach Ostasien nach amtlichen Quellen, 1. Bd. 1864, Einleitendes zum Verständniss der Japanischen Zustände, Reisebericht, ( Link-to-pdf ) 2. Bd. 1866, Reisebericht, Anhang I u. II, ( Link-to-pdf ) 3. Bd. 1873, China's Beziehungen zum Westen bis 1860, Reisebericht, ( Link-to-pdf ) 4. Bd. 1873, Reisebericht, Anhan...