Travel the world by books - cheap and sustainable

When I was young, I thought I would travel all over the world but - due to job and reasons shown in the pictures below, I became stationary and settled.

Actually, traveling is also not very sustainable. But I didn't give up the dream and decided to see the world by reading books instead. Mainly, I read in English, French and German - therefore, most of the books presented are in these languages.

What is the purpose of this blog, why not just reading?

  • I want to practice writing - in English. It is training on the job. Excuse me if it is bumpy.
  • Knowledge which one does not give away is lost knowledge. So, here is what I found. Hopefully, you too find something nice in these pages.
  • I plan to write about every book I read - one by one. Sometimes, I will just give overviews, sometimes, it will be a detailed review. Probably, the overviews will outweigh the detailed reviews. The time for reading is still limited due to the necessity to work for bread and peanuts.
  • New posts are typically topic overviews about a certain travel to somewhere, or topics like Ukiyo-e books or a review of a book. Otherwise I update the pages linked on the left side.

2023/1/3 I added other sections, not just travel reports, but books about art, languages and literature, shortcuts to them can be found in the link list on the left side. These overview pages will be constantly updated. More sections will come, I am certain.

2023/1/6 The structure of the blog will also change as there are many books which do not fit into the starting structure of the blog.

Comments on this blog are moderated because of unpleasant experiences on other blogs. 

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If you subscribe to updates of this blog, you will not get information about updates to existing pages. So, please come back from time to time to see what has changed. But you will get information about new pages. So, subscribe please.

Plan: Adding 1500-2000 books until end of 2023


Felix - born in 2006

front to back:

Cherie 2019

Lisa 2018

Tom 2019


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